Monday, October 22, 2012

EU wants to fine United States because of Boeing

The European Union wants to fine United States because of Boeing.

9300 million is the fine that the European Union wants to be passed to the United States not to withdraw their aids to Boeing. The EU yesterday requested the World Trade Organization that pass the ticket. The case is a classic.

After years, Washington was able to recognize that ensured competitive advantages for Boeing 737 and 787 jets. The affected models were A320, A320 and A350 from European rival, Airbus. The competent organ of the WTO had determined last year that the American manufacturer has received illegal state aid, the EU supports these claims have not yet been withdrawn.

But the WTO also dictated, in 2010, a few million euros of EU support for Airbus were illegal. The two blocks are fighting over how to comply with WTO rulings. After all, it is unlikely that the fine be converted into cash.

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